Kattral Maiam

Inaugurated our very first கற்றல் மையம் in Chandra Higher Secondary School, in the village of Sethiyathope in presence of Dr.Sridevi- Chairman, Chandra Schools, Headmaster Teachers and other Supporting Staffs of the school. Equipped the centre with over 25+ NEET Materials and 6 PCs.

Inaugurated our கற்றல் மையம் in Premises of Vela Software Training Institute, Selavoyal, Chennai in presence of TV Serial Fame Actor, Mr. Vicky Roshan, Mrs. TamilSelvi, Founder-AIWA Foundation, Mr. Muthukumar. SK, Founder- VIMKES Group of Technology, Mrs. Shanmugavadivu- Vocational Trainer at Beauty Boutique centre. Equipped the centre with over 50+ NEET Materials and 5 PCs.

AATRUPADAI FOUNDATION, a team that has joined hands to enlighten the minds of government and government aided school NEET ASPIRANTS.